Christa Therapy is the treatment plan for the Anorexic and/or Bulimic named after the patient, Christabella. Treatment of her condition using this therapy plan resulted in her complete recovery.

  Christabella is told that nothing physical can be found to account for her complaints. Therefore her symptoms must be due to stress in school, stress at home, or stress brought on by her need to control. She must be using these symptoms to gain control of herself and her family. She therefore needs psychiatric help.

  However, one of the major criteria for making the diagnosis of Anorexia/Bulimia is that no medical condition exists that could account for the disease.

  I truly believe that Christabella does have a medical reason for her Anorexia/Bulimia which accounts for her signs and symptoms, and she deserves the diagnostic work-up found in Christa Therapy.

W.P. Smedley
M.D. F.A.C.S.
Is no longer
practicing. This
site remains for
information only.

   Christa Therapy focuses primarily on the physical complaints (the signs and symptoms) of the patient.

   Symptoms are those complaints of the patient that cannot be seen by the physician or other health professional involved in the treatment. Signs consist of those complaints which may be seen or felt.

   Christabella is the name chosen which is used to summarize her signs and symptoms. Each will be listed in the order of the letters in her name:
  1. Constipation:  there are two principal causes for this symptom in the Anorexic/Bulimic. The main complaint of gallbladder patients is that of constipation. Therefore, the diagnosis of gallbladder disease in Christabella must be established in order to relieve the symptom of constipation. This involves the usual gallbladder studies of ultrasound and pipida scan. The additional study is the CCK study which must be done before it can be determined that there is no organic cause for the disease. Constipation is also part of the symptom-complex of hypothyroidism. Therefore, every attempt must be made to establish that diagnosis so as to begin replacement therapy. That is why she continually increases her use of laxatives.

  2. Hair loss:  Christabella loses her hair.

  3. Resistive:  She has complained so long without anyone paying attention to her that she is resistive to undergoing any more tests.

  4. Irregular Menses:  She has stopped menstruating. It did not stop abruptly but there have been changes over months.

  5. Skin:  Her skin is dry. She has been using all kinds of skin creams for months.

  6. Temperature Intolerance:  She complains of being cold all the time. She has given up her winter sports.

  7. Abdominal Distress:  Christabella's complaints range from feeling sick after eating to experiencing pain.

  8. Bloating:  She feels bloated and full after eating the smallest amounts of food. Her belt is tight or she has to unloosen it to feel comfortable.

  9. Edema:  Christabella retains fluid. She may be thin, but the water retention can be demonstrated by an indentation at the top of her socks. This is also known as myxedema.

  10. Lean:  most of the fat stores are gone.

  11. Lifeless:  Christabella is depressed, withdrawn and sad, not much fun anymore.

  12. Acidity:  She suffers from heartburn and indigestion after eating, usually consuming antacids to relieve the feelings.

Additional Information:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome | Gallbladder Disease
Gallbladder Disease in Children | Depression | Gastroparesis
Insurance & Financial Considerations | Followup Stories

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